LATEST NEWS: M4M celebrates a decade of success, and ushers in a new era with Nirali Chakraborty as CEO. Learn more

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As part of our rigorous process, Metrics for Management writes and publicly shares a variety of technical reports, journal articles, and mass media communications. Please find a list of publications, articles, literature reviews, feature stories, and more in our four areas of work below.
M4M Global Grand Challenge FEAT
M4M Secures Global Grand Challenges Grant to Enhance Women’s Health CareMetrics for Management (M4M) is delighted to have been selected for a grant by the Global Grand Challenges, a highly competitive, global competition seeking solutions to big problems., , December 16, 2024newsfamily-planning-quality health-impact maternal-health-quality
Assessing the Generalizability
Assessing the Generalizability of Client Experience Measurement Tools in Low- and Middle-Income CountriesThe experiences of people who interact with a health system form a key component of overall quality of care in that system. Yet, client experience is rarely reflected in how health systems are designed and assessed. To make meaningful progress on delivering high quality patient-centered care, health systems actors need valid measures of client experience of care.November 6, 2024articleshealth-impact
DKT Data Management Case Study Feat
DKT and Data Management Case StudyWhen reproductive health leader DKT International (DKT) decided to rethink how they aggregate, interpret, and disseminate their data, they turned to one organization to help. As a non-profit specializing in the development and implementation of data insights and use solutions for global health and development programs, M4M was well known to DKT’s executive leadership.November 6, 2024storiesfamily-planning-quality
100 days at the helm
100 days at the helm100 days at the helm, , , , September 2, 2024newsfamily-planning-quality health-impact maternal-health-quality socioeconomic-equity sustainability
Press Release: M4M to support the Global Fund to Establish a Responsive, User-Centered Indicator Framework to Combat MalariaMetrics for Management (M4M) is pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative to fight malaria. The initiative, made possible by a generous grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation., , July 16, 2024newsfamily-planning-quality health-impact maternal-health-quality
Press Release: M4M celebrates a decade of success, and ushers in a new era with Nirali Chakraborty as CEO
Press Release: M4M celebrates a decade of success, and ushers in a new era with Nirali Chakraborty as CEOMetrics for Management (M4M), a leader in evidence-based and standardized performance measures for global health, is proud to announce its 10th anniversary and the appointment of Dr. Nirali Chakraborty as its new Chief Executive Officer., , May 17, 2024news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
M4M Mexfam MII Case Study (English)
M4M Mexfam MII Case Study (English)Researchers assess the feasibility and utility of an automated feedback system on quality of information provided to family planning counseling clients in clinical settings in Mexico City.January 25, 2024mexicostoriesfamily-planning-quality
M4M Mexfam MII Estudio De Caso (Spanish)
M4M Mexfam MII Estudio De Caso (Spanish)El equipo de investigación evalúa la viabilidad y utilidad de un sistema de retroalimentación automatizado sobre la calidad de la información proporcionada a los clientes de asesoría en planificación familiar en entornos clínicos en la Ciudad de México.January 25, 2024mexicostoriesfamily-planning-quality
Developing and validating an abortion care quality metric for facility and out-of-facility settings
Developing and validating an abortion care quality metric for facility and out-of-facility settingsDespite progress in assuring provision of safe abortion, substantial disparities remain in quality of abortion care around the world. However, no consistent, valid, reliable method exists to routinely measure quality in abortion care across facility and out-of-facility settings, impeding learning and improvement.December 6, 2023articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Addressing Provider Bias for Better Youth Healthcare
Addressing Provider Bias for Better Youth HealthcareMetrics for Management and EngenderHealth work to improve health systems and services so individuals can choose and access the healthcare they need. , November 14, 2023storiesabortion-care-quality-tool family-planning-quality
Quality of care from the perspective of people obtaining abortion: a qualitative study in four countries
Quality of care from the perspective of people obtaining abortion: a qualitative study in four countriesThis qualitative study aimed to identify person-centred domains that would contribute to the definition and measurement of abortion quality of care based on the perceptions, experiences and priorities of people seeking abortion.November 10, 2023articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Using the Abortion Care Quality Tool (ACQTool) to understand and compare abortion care quality
Using the Abortion Care Quality Tool (ACQTool) to understand and compare abortion care qualityResearchers use a newly developed tool to compare the quality in facility-managed and pharmacy-sourced self-managed medication abortions in Bangladesh, November 10, 2023storiesabortion-care-quality-tool family-planning-quality
Press Release: USAID Adopts M4M's Innovative PCMC Scale for Improved Maternal Health Care
Press Release: USAID Adopts M4M’s Innovative PCMC Scale for Improved Maternal Health CareM4M is excited to announce a significant advancement in measuring maternal care quality. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has integrated the 13-question person-centered maternity care (PCMC) scale into the Demographic and Health Surveys Program Service Provision Assessment (SPA)., , September 20, 2023news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
MY SRH: Infographic
MY SRH: InfographicMeasuring Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services InfographicAugust 18, 2023articlesmeasuring-youth-sexual-and-reproductive-health-services
Transforming How We Measure and Improve the Quality of SRH Services for Youth
Transforming How We Measure and Improve the Quality of SRH Services for YouthAdolescence and youth are undoubtedly critical periods for sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Young people encounter distinct challenges and vulnerabilities associated with sexuality, identity, and relationships which can significantly impact their long-term health and well-being.August 11, 2023articlesmeasuring-youth-sexual-and-reproductive-health-services
The key to powerful data
The key to powerful dataHealthcare around the world needs accurate, timely, and reliable data to guide decision-making. Without proper data and analysis, healthcare providers cannot identify areas that require intervention, nor measure impact, nor improve programs or monitor progress towards healthcare goals and patient outcomes. , , August 10, 2023storiesequitytool family-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
MY SRH: Measuring Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
MY SRH: Measuring Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health ServicesCurrent measures of adolescent friendly reproductive health services do not measure the parts of health care that are most important to young people. Metrics for Management (M4M) and a diverse, globally representative group of youth leaders are changing that.July 6, 2023articlesmeasuring-youth-sexual-and-reproductive-health-services
Press Release: M4M receives grant for adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health (SRH) work
Press Release: M4M receives grant for adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health (SRH) workMetrics for Management (M4M) is pleased to announce that they have received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, supporting the Measuring Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health (MY SRH) initiative., , June 21, 2023news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
M4M and Partners Work with The Rotary Foundation for a Malaria-Free Zambia
M4M and Partners Work with The Rotary Foundation for a Malaria-Free ZambiaMetrics for Management is thrilled to announce that Dr. Nirali Chakraborty has been promoted to the new role of Chief Strategy Officer. Nirali has been a key member of the M4M team, serving as the Director of Research and Technical Assistance since 2016., , May 18, 2023news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
Press Release: M4M congratulates Nirali Chakraborty in her new role as Chief Strategy Officer
Press Release: M4M congratulates Nirali Chakraborty in her new role as Chief Strategy OfficerMetrics for Management is thrilled to announce that Dr. Nirali Chakraborty has been promoted to the new role of Chief Strategy Officer. Nirali has been a key member of the M4M team, serving as the Director of Research and Technical Assistance since 2016., , May 3, 2023news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
ACQTool Overview
ACQTool OverviewACQTool OverviewApril 26, 2023training-materialsabortion-care-quality-tool
ACQTool How does it work
ACQTool How does it workACQTool How does it workApril 26, 2023training-materialsabortion-care-quality-tool
Gwatkin winner Nigeria FMOH
Gwatkin winner Nigeria FMOHGwatkin winner Nigeria FMOHApril 26, 2023training-materialsgwatkin-equity-measurement-prize
Gwatkin winner Sightsavers
Gwatkin winner SightsaversGwatkin winner SightsaversApril 26, 2023training-materialsgwatkin-equity-measurement-prize
Gwatkin winner USHA
Gwatkin winner USHAGwatkin winner USHAApril 26, 2023training-materialsgwatkin-equity-measurement-prize
A2IE Website
A2IE WebsiteA2IE WebsiteApril 26, 2023training-materials
A2IE Benefits
A2IE BenefitsA2IE BenefitsApril 26, 2023training-materials
A2IE Overview
A2IE OverviewA2IE OverviewApril 26, 2023training-materials
EquityTool Overview
EquityTool OverviewEquityTool OverviewApril 26, 2023training-materialsequitytool
Web Release: Further Measuring Quality of Abortion Care
Web Release: Further Measuring Quality of Abortion CarePopulation Services International's (PSI) Self-Care Trailblazer Group (SCTG) and partners recently launched a tool for providing a global standard approach to practical and accurate measurement of sexual and reproductive (SRH) self-care interventions called the Sexual and Reproductive Health Self-Care Measurement Tool (SRH Self-Care Measurement Tool)., , April 7, 2023news pressfamily-planning-quality maternal-health-quality
How a wealth measurement tool is improving global health
How a wealth measurement tool is improving global healthAmong the global health community, a common challenge is determining whether programs are reaching target communities, frequently those in poorer households. This information allows program managers to adjust and improve service delivery., , March 8, 2023bangladesh benin cote-divoirenews press storiesequitytool
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar Hotlines
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar HotlinesWebinar | ACQTool Webinar HotlinesNovember 10, 2022training-materialsabortion-care-quality-tool
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar Pharmacies
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar PharmaciesWebinar | ACQTool Webinar PharmaciesNovember 2, 2022training-materialsabortion-care-quality-tool
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar Facilities
Webinar | ACQTool Webinar FacilitiesWebinar | ACQTool Webinar FacilitiesOctober 26, 2022training-materialsabortion-care-quality-tool
Webinar | 2022 Gwatkin Award Winners Webinar
Webinar | 2022 Gwatkin Award Winners WebinarWebinar | 2022 Gwatkin Equity Measurement Prize WinnersNovember 8, 2022training-materialsgwatkin-equity-measurement-prize
EquityTool wealth assessment helps ensure no one is left behind
EquityTool wealth assessment helps ensure no one is left behindThe Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health conducts treatment coverage surveys of neglected tropical diseases and uses the EquityTool to ensure programming reaches the most vulnerableSeptember 27, 2022storiesequitytool
EquityTool wealth assessment: finding a practical solution for ensuring services reach those with the greatest need
EquityTool wealth assessment: finding a practical solution for ensuring services reach those with the greatest needSightsavers researchers compare EquityTool with other asset-based wealth assessment tools to identify a practical solution for field-based vision care project targeting.September 15, 2022storiesequitytool
Toward a Standard Measure of Abortion Service Quality-A Stakeholder First Approach
Toward a Standard Measure of Abortion Service Quality-A Stakeholder First ApproachMeasurement of the quality of abortion services is essential to service improvement. Currently, its measurement is not standardized, and some of the tools which exist are very long, and may deter use. July 1, 2022articles
EquityTool wealth assessment improves targeting and outreach
EquityTool wealth assessment improves targeting and outreachThe USAID Uganda Sanitation for Health Activity uses EquityTool wealth assessment to understand project beneficiary profiles, and effectively target outreach and build pro low-income earner solutions to increase private water connection uptake.September 5, 2022storiesequitytool
Definitions, measurement and indicator selection for quality of care in abortion
Definitions, measurement and indicator selection for quality of care in abortionLittle consensus exists about how to measure quality of care in abortion. Our purpose is to (a) provide common language for healthcare quality definitions, frameworks and measurement; (b) synthesize literature about quality measurement in abortion; and (c) present criteria for quality metric development. Quality includes effectiveness, patient centeredness, timeliness, efficiency.... Read more.July 26, 2019articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Understanding the Abortion Experiences of Young People to Inform Quality Care in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria
Understanding the Abortion Experiences of Young People to Inform Quality Care in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and NigeriaYoung people face social and structural barriers when accessing abortions. High-quality, sexual and reproductive healthcare is needed; however, literature on youth-informed abortion services is limited. This study assesses accounts of youth who obtained an abortion in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Nigeria and provides recommendations to improve person-centered aspects.... Read more.April 24, 2021articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Perspectives on interpersonal care among people who obtain abortions through clinical and accompaniment models in Argentina
Perspectives on interpersonal care among people who obtain abortions through clinical and accompaniment models in ArgentinaLittle is known about how people who have abortions describe high-quality interpersonal care in Argentina. This qualitative study aimed to understand preferences and priorities in their interactions with providers.... Read more.May 2, 2022articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
“I just have to hope that this abortion should go well”: Perceptions, fears, and experiences of abortion clients in Nigeria
“I just have to hope that this abortion should go well”: Perceptions, fears, and experiences of abortion clients in NigeriaThis qualitative study aimed to examine how abortion clients in Nigeria perceive abortion and explore the role their beliefs and fears play in their care-seeking experiences and interactions with providers. Abortion is severely legally restricted in Nigeria but remains common. We conducted in-depth interviews with 25 people who obtained abortion services through three distinct.... Read more.February 7, 2022articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Exploring and Monitoring Privacy, Confidentiality, and Provider Bias
Exploring and Monitoring Privacy, Confidentiality, and Provider BiasPurpose: Poor privacy and confidentiality practices and provider bias are believed to compromise adolescent and young adult sexual and reproductive health service quality.May 27, 2022articlesmeasuring-youth-sexual-and-reproductive-health-services
EquityTool helps assess real-time analysis of crowdsourced data by wealth quintiles
EquityTool helps assess real-time analysis of crowdsourced data by wealth quintilesEquityTool helps assess real-time analysis of crowdsourced data by wealth quintiles. UNICEF Bangladesh increases the useability of U-Report crowdsourced data by creating a representative sample for equity analysis of crowdsourced surveysDecember 15, 2021storiesequitytool
Definitions, measurement and indicator selection for quality of care in abortion
Definitions, measurement and indicator selection for quality of care in abortionThere is little consensus about how to measure quality of care for abortino services. Yet, standardized and validated quality metrics would move our field forward and contribute to quality improvement activities and, ultimately, to improved health outcomes for women and families. Partners in the Abortion Service Quality Initiative are collaborating to develop the first-ever global.... Read more.November 30, 2019articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Real-time wealth assessment to ensure results‑based financing systems reach the poor
Real-time wealth assessment to ensure results‑based financing systems reach the poorEquityTool wealth assessment allows for simple, cost-effective equity monitoring and real-time adaptation of project and program activities.September 5, 2021stories
Abortion Service Quality Initiative (ASQ): Measuring abortion services
Abortion Service Quality Initiative (ASQ): Measuring abortion servicesASQ brief on measuring abortion service quality.June 16, 2021articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Abortion Service Quality Initiative (ASQ): Abortion metrics matter
Abortion Service Quality Initiative (ASQ): Abortion metrics matterASQ brief on why metrics matter.June 16, 2021articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Put Your Data To Use
Put Your Data To UsePut your DATA to use. Global health needs rigorous, evidence based, standardised and goal driven metrics.July 11, 2021training-materials
EquityTool helps identify those most in need
EquityTool helps identify those most in needRoutine monitoring of equity in sanitation delivery project in Benin and Côte d’Ivoire demonstrates the EquityTool’s versatility and adaptability, including seamless integration with DHIS2.May 31, 2021benin cote-divoirestoriesequitytool
Person-Centered Maternity Care
Person-Centered Maternity CareOverview of Person-Centered Maternity Tool.April 19, 2021articlesmaternal-health-quality
Asset to Income Estimator
Asset to Income EstimatorOverview of the Asset to Income Estimator.April 19, 2021articlesequitytool
EquityToolOverview of the EquityTool.April 19, 2021articlesequitytool
Method Information Index
Method Information IndexOverview of the Method Information Index.April 19, 2021articlesfamily-planning-quality
Standard Survey Data: Insights Into Private Sector Utilization
Standard Survey Data: Insights Into Private Sector UtilizationThis study sets out to summarize the importance of private provision of inpatient and outpatient care within health systems of 65 countries in Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. We expand on and update prior studies which have used similar data, and create regional summaries.April 12, 2021africa asia europe latin-americaarticles
Measuring Service Quality and Assessing Its Relationship to Contraceptive Discontinuation: A Prospective Cohort Study in Pakistan and Uganda
Measuring Service Quality and Assessing Its Relationship to Contraceptive Discontinuation: A Prospective Cohort Study in Pakistan and UgandaThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) used the EquityTool to understand existing in-country methods to identify the poor. The IRC will use EquityTool results to inform future iterations of their cash transfer program, ensuring the best use of their resources and the continued effectiveness of their crisis response.June 30, 2020pakistan ugandaarticlesfamily-planning-quality
METHOD INFORMATION INDEXThe quality of family planning counseling is important to support women to use, and continue using, contraception, when desired. Providing women with a choice of contraceptive methods and with high-quality counseling are critical elements of rights-based family planning.May 1, 2020training-materialsfamily-planning-quality
PERSON CENTERED MATERNITY CARETogether with researchers at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of California, Los Angeles we have developed a 13-item scale to assess PCMC. May 1, 2020training-materialsmaternal-health-quality
Measures of family planning service quality associated with contraceptive discontinuation: an analysis of Measurement, Learning & Evaluation (MLE) project data from urban Kenya
Measures of family planning service quality associated with contraceptive discontinuation: an analysis of Measurement, Learning & Evaluation (MLE) project data from urban KenyaMany program implementers have difficulty collecting and analyzing data on program beneficiaries’ wealth because a large number of survey questions are required to construct the standard.March 1, 2020kenyaarticlesfamily-planning-quality
Toward the development of a short multi- country person- centered maternity care scale
Toward the development of a short multi- country person- centered maternity care scaleArticle in International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics by Afulani, P. A., Feeser, K., Sudhinaraset, M., Aborigo, R., Montagu, D. and Chakraborty, N. using data from Ghana, Kenya, and India to develop a shortened, valid and reliable scale applicable across multiple settings for routine monitoring of person‐centered maternity care (PCMC).May 9, 2019ghana india kenyaarticlesmaternal-health-quality
Association Between the Quality of Contraceptive Counseling and Method Continuation: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study in Social Franchise Clinics in Pakistan and Uganda
Association Between the Quality of Contraceptive Counseling and Method Continuation: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study in Social Franchise Clinics in Pakistan and UgandaGlobal Health Science and Practice article by Nirali M. Chakraborty, Karen Chang, Benjamin Bellows, Karen A. Grépin, Waqas Hameed, Amanda Kalamar, Xaher Gul, Lynn Atuyambe and Dominic Montagu, showing that higher Method Information Index (MII) scores in Pakistan and Uganda was associated with continued use of family planning over 12 months.March 8, 2019pakistan ugandaarticlesfamily-planning-quality
Maternal & Neonatal Healthcare Quality Measurement: Real and Desired
Maternal & Neonatal Healthcare Quality Measurement: Real and DesiredReport by Chang, Hossain, Sarker, Montagu, and Chakraborty, in collaboration with BRAC in Bangladesh (JPGSPH). Starting with the 352 indicators within WHO Standards for Improving Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Health Facilities, this report proposes a prioritization of indicators based on evidence of correlation to outcomes and on service-level assessments of utility and viability.December 14, 2018bangladesharticlesmaternal-health-quality
Evaluating Quality of Contraceptive Counseling: An analysis of the Method Information Index
Evaluating Quality of Contraceptive Counseling: An analysis of the Method Information IndexA Studies in Family Planning journal article by Chang, Mukanu, Bellows, Hameed, Kalamar, Grépin, Gul, and Chakraborty, assessing consistency between Method Information Index (MII) responses and the contraceptive method received in a prospective study in Uganda and Pakistan. January 19, 2019pakistan ugandaarticlesfamily-planning-quality
Who Serves the Poor? An Equity Analysis of Public and Private Providers of Family Planning and Child Health Services in Kenya
Who Serves the Poor? An Equity Analysis of Public and Private Providers of Family Planning and Child Health Services in KenyaA Frontiers in Public Health journal article by Chakraborty, Montagu, Wanderi and Oduor, which uses the EquityTool to analyze differences in the wealth status of clients of family planning and child health services in Kenya by health sector. Collaboration with PSI and PS Kenya., January 8, 2019kenyaarticlesequitytool family-planning-quality
The Lancet, 388 (2016) 613-621. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30242-2
Engaging the Private Sector in UHCArticle on UHC and the private sector, co-authored by Dr. Catherine Goodman of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK and M4M CEO Dr. Dominic Montagu in his capacity as a Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco.August 6, 2016articles
Ensuring Equitable Service Delivery
Ensuring Equitable Service DeliveryBlog post by Living Goods Director of Analytics Brad Presner detailing an EquityTool collaboration with Medic Mobile and Metrics for Management. , , August 15, 2018kenya ugandanews press storiesequitytool
Operationalizing an Equity Lens in Community Health
Operationalizing an Equity Lens in Community HealthBlog post by Medic Mobile's Alix Emden detailing an EquityTool collaboration with Living Goods and Metrics for Management. , , August 15, 2018kenya ugandanews press storiesequitytool
Publication of book: Quality Measurement in Family Planning: Past, Present, Future
Publication of book: Quality Measurement in Family Planning: Past, Present, FutureNews alert announcing the publication of the book: Quality Measurement in Family Planning: Past, Present, Future., November 9, 2017news pressfamily-planning-quality
EquityTool Case Study: Effectively identifying and serving the most vulnerable crisis victims with the International Rescue Committee
EquityTool Case Study: Effectively identifying and serving the most vulnerable crisis victims with the International Rescue CommitteeThe International Rescue Committee (IRC) used the EquityTool to understand existing in-country methods to identify the poor. The IRC will use EquityTool results to inform future iterations of their cash transfer program, ensuring the best use of their resources and the continued effectiveness of their crisis response.April 12, 2017pakistanstoriesequitytool
EquityTool Case Study: Improving heath and livelihoods for women and families in Cambodia with Helen Keller International
EquityTool Case Study: Improving heath and livelihoods for women and families in Cambodia with Helen Keller InternationalHelen Keller International (HKI) used the EquityTool to improve the health status of women and children around the world. The EquityTool has allowed HKI to collect and understand wealth data in a new way, enabling more critical reflection on their service model. April 7, 2017cambodiastoriesequitytool
EquityTool Case Study: Strengthening the Indian health sector and advocating for needs of niche clients with HLFPPT
EquityTool Case Study: Strengthening the Indian health sector and advocating for needs of niche clients with HLFPPTHindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) used the EquityTool to understand target population and advocate for the importance of their role to strengthen national health service delivery. HLFPPT has leveraged EquityTool evidence to bolster crowdsource donations funding childbirth services for more than 75 women who could not otherwise afford care.July 13, 2017indiastoriesequitytool
EquityTool Case Study: Improving reach and sustainability of vision services with Sightsavers
EquityTool Case Study: Improving reach and sustainability of vision services with SightsaversFor Sightsavers’ work in India and Bangladesh, the EquityTool revealed the potential for introducing cost recovery mechanisms to improve program sustainability. In Malawi, they learned that 70% of their clients fell in the wealthiest three quintiles, and are now working to adjust their outreach to better reach those in-need.July 11, 2017bangladesh india malawistoriesequitytool
Quality measurement in family planning: past, present, future
Quality measurement in family planning: past, present, futurePapers from the Bellagio meeting on Family Planning Quality in October 2015. Collection edited by Hopkins Leisher, collated and managed by Sprockett, Longfield, Montagu. A book in three parts: 1) The importance of quality to family planning; 2) Experiences with measuring qualiy to date; 3) Key considerations for making progress in quality measurement.January 5, 2016benin bolivia burkina-faso cambodia cameoon colombia dominican-republic egpyt el-salvador ethiopia ghana guatemala haiti honduras india indonesia kenya lao-pdr madagascar malawi mali mozambique myanmar namibia nepal nicaragua niger nigeria pakistan philippines rwanda senegal south-africa tanzania uganda vienam zambia zimbabwearticlesfamily-planning-quality
Behind the equity app: how researchers were able to balance scientific rigor with ease-of-use
Behind the equity app: how researchers were able to balance scientific rigor with ease-of-useA blog post by Kim Longfield and Dana Sievers for PSI Impact, contrasting PSI's past approach to quity measurement in franchise clinics against the streamlined protocol of the EquityTool.June 16, 2016equitytool
The EquityTool: Changing poverty measurement and service delivery
The EquityTool: Changing poverty measurement and service deliveryA blog post by Andrea Sprockett for the Joint Learning Network, that outlines the importance of equity measurement in development measurement and service delivery, and introduces readers to the EquityTool.March 21, 2016storiesequitytool
Identifying Adopters of Family Planning in Client Exit Interviews: Does Recall Period Matter?
Identifying Adopters of Family Planning in Client Exit Interviews: Does Recall Period Matter?Article by Feeser, Chakraborty, Koladycz, Marriott, and Armstrong, representing Metrics for Management and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). In the interests of standardizing the assessment of family planning continuing users or adopters, this article analyzes how applying a timeframe to questions on prior contraceptive use affected client response, and thus, client profile. August 23, 2017articlesfamily-planning-quality
Quality of care and abortion: beyond safety
Quality of care and abortion: beyond safetyJoint editorial from BMJ Journal – Sexual & Reproductive Health, stating that governments, advocates, providers, policymakers and other stakeholders who want to fully support women’s rights to access abortion across the globe must address quality of care, in addition to efforts to change abortion laws, train providers and expand service provision. May 5, 2018articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Book: Advancing measurement of abortion quality
Book: Advancing measurement of abortion qualityReport and next steps from Wilton Park abortion service quality stakeholder meeting. The purpose of the discussion was to seek support for the idea that common measures of abortion service quality are useful, and to reach agreement on the quality dimensions and outcomes of interest to prioritise in the development of a standardised suite of metrics. May 19, 2017articlesabortion-care-quality-tool
Review of quality assessment tools for family planning programmes in low- and middle-income countries
Review of quality assessment tools for family planning programmes in low- and middle-income countriesA Health Policy and Planning literature review by Andrea Sprockett to identify and assess 20 widely used public domain quality assessment tools with existing or potential application in clinic-based family planning programmes.March 16, 2016articlesfamily-planning-quality
Use of family planning and child health services in the private sector: an equity analysis of 12 DHS surveys
Use of family planning and child health services in the private sector: an equity analysis of 12 DHS surveysAn International Journal for Equity in Health article by Chakraborty and Sprockett conducting weighted descriptive analyses on current users of modern FP and on the youngest household child under age 5 to understand and compare country-specific care seeking patterns in use of public or private facilities based on urban/rural residence and wealth quintile.April 4, 2018bangladesh cambodia democratic-republic-of-congo dominican-republic ghana haiti kenya liberia mali nigeria senegal zambiaarticlesequitytool
Assessing provision and equity in low and middle income country health markets
Assessing provision and equity in low and middle income country health marketsFinal report co-written by Chakraborty, Wanderi, Oduor and Montagu for Population Services International (PSI) and USAID. Report details a cross-sectional survey of urban health facilities in Kenya stratified by health facility type, focusing on four separate sectors: public, faith-based, private (non-franchised) and private (social-franchised), and using the EquityTool.October 1, 2016kenyaarticlesequitytool
The Relationship between wealth and use of health services in the private sector
The Relationship between wealth and use of health services in the private sectorLiterature review and secondary data analysis focusing on family planning and common childhood illness across different public and private sector facility types and by wealth, written for Population Services International (PSI) and USAID.September 1, 2016bangladesh cambodia democratic-republic-of-congo dominican-republic ghana haiti kenya liberia mali nigeria senegal zambiaarticlesequitytool
Simplified Asset Indices to Measure Wealth and Equity in Health Programs: A Reliability and Validity Analysis Using Survey Data From 16 Countries
Simplified Asset Indices to Measure Wealth and Equity in Health Programs: A Reliability and Validity Analysis Using Survey Data From 16 CountriesA Global Health Science and Practice Journal article by Chakraborty, Fry, Behl, and Longfield on the creation of country-specific measures of household wealth with as few as 6 questions that are highly reliable and valid in both urban and rural contexts.April 1, 2016bangladesh benin cambodia cameroon ethiopia malawi mozambique nepal nigeria pakistan philippines rwanda senegal tanzania uganda zimbabwearticlesequitytool
Living Goods & Medic Mobile Case Study - Abridged
Living Goods & Medic Mobile Case Study – AbridgedEquityTool Case Study (abbreviated version): A collaboration between Living Goods and Medic Mobile on a Smart Health mobile app integrating the EquityTool provided Living Goods Community Health Workers with digital tools to better measure and provide crucial health services.July 9, 2018kenya ugandastoriesequitytool
Living Goods & Medic Mobile Case Study - Full Length
Living Goods & Medic Mobile Case Study – Full LengthEquityTool case study (full length version): A collaboration between Living Goods and Medic Mobile on a Smart Health mobile app integrating the EquityTool provided Living Goods Community Health Workers with digital tools to better measure and provide crucial health services.July 9, 2018kenya ugandastoriesequitytool
EquityTool Case Study: Ensuring equitable access to clean water with Water Mission
EquityTool Case Study: Ensuring equitable access to clean water with Water MissionWater Mission incorporated EquityTool questions into their existing evaluations of two projects: a household water treatment program in Peru, and a solar-powered prepaid water system project in Tanzania. In both cases, the EquityTool allowed Water Mission to better understand their client profile and program efficacy and affordability. June 9, 2018honduras peru tanzaniastoriesequitytool
M4M Consulting Case Study: Creating a global measure of lives transformed with PCI
M4M Consulting Case Study: Creating a global measure of lives transformed with PCIWorking together with Project Concern International (PCI), M4M created modules for the organization that were aligned with global measurement best practices. The standardized components are applicable to all programs where PCI provides services, enabling easy comparisons across projects, as well as over time within a single project.July 9, 2018guatemala india malawi united-statesstories
Video introduction to the EquityTool
Video introduction to the EquityToolA short video introduction to the EquityTool. December 13, 2015training-materialsequitytool


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