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Identifying Adopters of Family Planning in Client Exit Interviews: Does Recall Period Matter?

August 2017

Report by Feeser, Chakraborty, Koladycz, Marriott, and Armstrong, representing Metrics for Management and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). In order for family planning programs to estimate their contribution to additional users, they must distinguish between continuing users and adopters. Some organizations ask a client whether she or her partner were doing anything in the past 3 months to avoid or delay pregnancy, while others ask generally about methods used before the day of her visit. In the interests of standardizing the assessment of client profile across programs, this article analyzes whether placing a timeframe on this question made a difference in how clients answered, and thus on the resulting client profile.

Citation: Feeser K, Chakraborty NM, Koladycz R, Marriott H, and Armstrong K. Identifying Adopters of Family Planning in Client Exit Interviews: Does Recall Period Matter? August 2017. Metrics for Management, Oakland: CA

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