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Maps of use and need by sector
Total product volume and value projections

Contraceptive Market Size Visualizer

The Contraceptive Market Size Visualizer (CMSV) provides two different analyses of contraceptive market size. The subnational market size estimation displays provincial/regional and district-level distribution of modern contraceptive users. The national volume and value estimation counts the current number of users, product volume, and US Dollar value of modern contraceptives sourced from the private sector and offers scenarios highlighting different changes that could affect private sector utilization for accessing contraceptive methods.

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The CMSV is currently available in the following countries: Nepal, Kenya, and Ghana.

If you are interested in having us generate new analyses in additional countries, please reach out to us via


Subnational Estimates of Contraceptive Utilization View

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Single Country Chart National Private Sector Contraceptive Market Size Estimations View

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The CMSV applies peer-reviewed methodology and recent data to provide national and subnational contraceptive market size estimates. Estimates from additional countries can be incorporated. This tool can facilitate the identification of the contraceptive program, commodity, and service provision needs at a national and subnational level by different private and public stakeholders.

CMSV Resources

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Using recent national surveys and census information, the subnational market size estimation serves to illustrate the distribution of contraceptive users and those with contraceptive needs.



The CMSV provides two different analyses of the contraceptive market size in the selected countries: 1) the subnational market size estimation, and 2) the national volume and value estimation. Each analysis uses unique methods, but terms and definitions are consistent.

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Example Case Uses

How could a contraceptive wholesaler, non-profit service provision organization, or regional family planning program implementer use the CMSV?


Contact us to learn how Metrics for Management can help you use targeted, accurate and measurable data to expand and improve your services.

This tool is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of cooperative agreement no. 7200AA21CA00027 (2021-2026). The contents are the responsibility of Chemonics International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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Except as otherwise noted or as identified below, the data provided by the Contraceptive Market Size Visualizer (CMSV) is licensed* under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. To view a copy of this licence, visit (*note: license limited to created data only.)
Material that is not licensed under a Creative Commons licence is:

• USAID logo  • FHM Engage logo  • CARTO maps, basemaps or associated imagery  • Website or App Photographs or images  • World map image on CMSV webpage

All content not licensed under a Creative Commons licence is all rights reserved, and you must request permission from the copyright owner to use this material.